The Graceful Skinny

A homeschool mom of one sharing my thoughts, curriculum reviews, organization techniques, and planning ideas with others in the homeschool community.

About October 27, 2010

So what is The Graceful Skinny?

I am a homeschool mom of one sharing my thoughts, curriculum reviews, organization techniques, and planning ideas with others in the homeschool community.


In the past I used to use this website for a blog following a weight loss journey and you will still see some of those posts here, but I can not answer questions about those topics as I am not a medical professional. I can only tell you my experiences and they are well laid out here.  Lately my main focus is on my daughter and my family and adapting to a gluten free diet due to food allergies.


8 Responses to “About”

  1. Kendall Says:

    I am very excited to follow you in your weight loss!! I also hope that with your encouragement and inspiration I, too, can lose the weight! I need to lose approximately 80-90lbs to be where I’d like to be and about 100 to be where my height says I “should” be. Either way, if I can just learn a little something to help jumpstart my weight loss with all my thyroid problems, I would be grateful!

  2. I’m so excited to follow you in your journey! Such an inspiration!

  3. Wow, we do have a lot in common! I also have an autoimmune-caused thyroid condition, called Graves’ Disease. I understand how frustrating it is trying to get weigh off (or even stabilized) when dealing with thyroid issues. Love your blog – Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

    • It is so nice to hear from others who are in a similar situation as me. Thanks for your wonderful words! Thanks for coming along for the ride!

      • Pico Says:

        Way to go!!!! That is an awesome weigh-in. Exercising 4 days rlealy did help, I am sure. I’m worried about my weigh-in tomorrow as I have had no exercise this week due to a knee injury from falling while running on Monday. I’m going to try and run tomorrow though. So, check my blog out tomorrow and see how I did..-= TooManyHats s last blog .. =-.

  4. eva626 Says:

    what a story…congrats on the weight loss!!! you must feel so happy!! nice blog btw..very graceful indeed lol

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