The Graceful Skinny

A homeschool mom of one sharing my thoughts, curriculum reviews, organization techniques, and planning ideas with others in the homeschool community.

Weekly Update: 10 Things I have learned in 2010 December 31, 2010

weight loss diet blog lifestyle health medical issues


So in honor of the fact that it is New Year’s Eve; instead of reflecting back at just the week that was (I was certainly lazy and spent my week off resting. I did get one great workout in though), I thought I would take the time to instead look back at the year that was and come up with 10 things that I have learned from it.


1.       Hashimoto’s is not just some bad anime series and it can wreck havoc on your weight.

2.       It is always better to step on the dog. Trying to avoid the dog will end up just causing you larger and more expensive problems.

3.       Taking medication is like learning to walk a tight rope. You have to find just the right balance or else you will fall off.

4.       If you go to your doctor’s office enough you make friends with the staff there. This, as it turns out, is a good thing.

5.       A lesson that apparently needs constant re-teaching: No matter how you think you have your life planed out, God always has a way to come in and remind you that you don’t have a clue about what is going on.

6.       Drinking water with meals and eating raw fruits and veggies is not a good thing.

7.       It is important to remember to eat veggies at every meal including breakfast.

8.       Forgetting meals leads to bad things.

9.       Eating the right foods in the right portions goes a long way to getting you healthy.

10.   If you stay away from sugar long enough it starts to lose its appeal.



Of course, it wouldn’t be a weekly update unless I posted up the results, although I very nearly almost didn’t post them.  I’ve been lazy this week. I have forgotten work outs and meals. And for all of my oaths and swearing that this was going to be a good week. I didn’t do a great job.  I munched throughout the week and forgot more than one meal.  Add in the lack of activity and well, I am surprised that the damage isn’t worse.  I didn’t want to post today but I am kicking my butt, because if I allow myself to slip then I might as well give up. I haven’t gone through the B.S.  to get where I am just to give up now. I WILL keep going.  And things will improve.  So as much as I don’t want to, it’s time to face the music:


  • This Week: 1.1 pounds Gained
  • Total Weight Loss: 26.7 pounds down



So there you have it folks! It’s like I said, it hasn’t been the best weeks weight wise, but that is okay because I expected as much. And honestly, these past two weeks have done less damage than I anticipated, so in the end, I count that a victory! So here is to the New Year and all the new things that are to come with it! And I leave you with one last lesson that I have learned this year,


If life hands you lemons, laugh. You will enjoy the lemonade a lot better if you do!


Happy New Year everybody!


Weekly Update: Merry Christmas!! December 24, 2010




So I know I normally put up a large post about how my week has gone along with this post, but with it being Christmas Eve I thought I would keep it simple.  Just remember to keep the true meaning of Christmas in your hearts and minds and enjoy this special time smartly.

So on to the results:

  • This week: 0.7 pounds Up

  • Total Weight loss over all: 27.8 pounds down overall

I can’t say I am disappointed.  You can only go so long with the rapid weight dropping before your body needs a few weeks to catch up.  Not to mention it is Christmas and I am still adjusting to the new meds.

So with that said and done I want to wish you all a Happy Healthy and Safe Christmas!  See you next week! And remember, Eat Smart!


My Christmas Battle Plan! December 22, 2010

With the count downs nearing zero I know that I am not the only one with the challenges of weight loss on my mind. In the months since I have changed my diet I have learned that in situations like the holidays, the route to best success is to have a plan of action.  If you go in knowing what to expect then you are better likely to find success.

So what is my battle plan for Christmas?

I have come to terms with Reality and the Facts of Life

So in light of all of the events of Christmas colliding with my body’s adjustment period for the new meds I am setting my sites low. It is not realistic to expect me to show significant weight loss with these factors coming into play. I may gain this week. I can be okay with that.


I will NOT ignore my regular check ins

My ensuring that I still have to step on the scale and post up my results for the week no matter how I have done I am re-enforcing my need to stay on track. It may be Christmas, but that does not mean that I have to throw EVERYTHING out the window because of it.


I CAN make good choices and still indulge in the Christmas goodies

I feel I am saying this a lot lately, but it doesn’t change its truth. I have CHANGED my diet; I am not ON a diet.  That subtle difference is the key to everything. Going ON a diet is not a permanent, at some point I will go off. My change in diet is forever. It is not realistic to expect me to never indulge in the goodies of Christmas ever again. Instead I will make good choices where I can not worry about the times where I can’t.  It is all about portion control.


I will NOT skip meals

I am realizing more and more the dangerous effects of skipping meals. Not only does it make you feel crappy but extreme hunger makes your thought process foggy and increases the chances of a bad decision.


I WILL remember that Christmas is not about the food

While the food does make Christmas that much more special, the real reason Christmas is so great is because it means spending time with friends and loved ones. I don’t need to be eating to enjoy that.


And finally,


I WILL NOT let the stress of the season get to me

Letting myself get stressed will get me nowhere but sick. I will stay relaxed and enjoy myself without over taxing me or my husband.  I will remember that God is in control and take a deep breath and relax.

I am hoping that with these tactics in play that I will be successful at having the best possible holiday that I can.  Have you thought of what YOUR battle plan is going to be?


Weekly Update: Pretty good this week. December 17, 2010




Weight loss holidays





I wasn’t expecting much this week.  With Christmas coming and my body adjusting to the new meds along with the fact that I have had some pretty large weight drops recently I set my expectations low.  As long as I didn’t show too much of a gain I would not let myself get dejected.


My weight has been all over the place. Last week my doctors determined that I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  They have put me on a new medicine to combat it.  This new drug will help with my weight loss once I have fully adjusted to the meds and I am able to take the full daily dosage.  The initial side effects however are quiet brutal. If I hadn’t spent the last year already dealing a hiatal hernia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)  I very well might be put down for the count while my body adjusts.  As it is, the side effects (Stomach upsets and Evacuations) are just really annoying and inconvenient.  I am sure however that they are playing a part in messing with the scale. At least I know that the symptoms won’t last too long.


So on to the totals for the week:

  • 1.3 pounds down this week.
  • 0.2 pounds down from two weeks ago.
  • 6.4 pounds down from a month ago.
  • 28.5 pounds total weight loss!

So as you can see, I didn’t do too badly this week. Not only did I not gain but I was able to re-loose the weight I gained last week.  This just reaffirms that last week was just a speed bump. It wasn’t my first gain and I am sure it won’t be my last. However I did notice that my last gain was around the time that we upped my thyroid meds. So maybe it is just that my body has to adjust to the new meds.


As I go into the week before Christmas my goal is to keep as relaxed as possible and just enjoy the week. If I can do that then I am pretty sure that even if I show a small spike on the scale it won’t matter because this is a change in my diet. It is a lifestyle change and there are going to be times in the year where you might see a slight gain.  My stress levels have a direct correlation to my health right now and I refuse to let stress and illness rule my holiday! And if tomorrow my apartment is not as tip top shape as it normally is at my annual Christmas party I am not going to let it bother me. I will do what I can to get ready and when it is party time I will enjoy myself.  Because that is what all of this is about.


So folks! There it is. That’s been my week. Now, how about yours?





I Laugh In The Face of Illness! December 15, 2010






There are so many people who are so confused when they see me laughing and joking about bad news. So why do I laugh?  I laugh so I don’t cry. Because if I did not laugh the only other option is to let the stress get to me and cause more issues.  I laugh because everything is always easier to handle if you throw a joke at it. I have always felt that laughter was good for us, but recently I have come across an article that verified just how good laughter is for us.


Did you know that laughter doesn’t just affect us mentally but it has physical benefits as well? Apparently when we laugh it not only increases serotonin but it also decreases stress hormones. By decreasing our stress hormones our immune system works better.  Laughter also improves the heart by increasing blood flow and helping to decrease cholesterol and blood pressure.


It also works your stomach. And because it takes muscles to laugh and smile you are burning calories while you boost your mood.


I have found that it is just so much easier to keep a clear head and deal with all that is coming at me when I can find a way to laugh at it.  Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of stress. Laugh your way out and life will look so much better.  I promise!


So while you are going through all of the stress of Christmas Craziness, give it a try. Let out a laugh. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel.


Weekly Update: Ugh! December 10, 2010


Christmas Crazy Diet Weightloss

So this week hasn’t been all that great. There have been some good parts but as Christmas inches closer my list is growing larger. And for a girl who is suppose to keep her stress levels down or else she gets rather sick, I have been doing not so good this week.


Today has been especially stressful because I completely went all ADHD and forgot about one of my doctor appointments. (Ironically this appointment was actually about my ADHD.) My whole planed morning went out the window and it has now thrown off my whole day.


My Weigh in this afternoon was completely off from how I normally do it and probably is part of the reason for the results this week. That, and the fact that for the past two weeks I haven’t had a chance to work out.


My Doctors appointments went well this week. However the diagnosis of the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) has been confirmed.  This means that I am now saying hello to two new medications to add to my list. Oh joy.


So with an ever growing list that is covering half my wall and a clock ticking down let me throw this week’s results up and run off to the next task! Here is hoping your lives aren’t quiet as crazy as this!


  • This Week: 1.1 pounds GAINED!!! BOO 😛
  • Total Weight Loss: 27.2 Pounds



So like I said. Results aren’t great this week. But I am not going to let that get to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of it is the additional over load of stress (yes I am to the point where I have been feeling it physically. And yes after dealing with this for a year I can hide the symptoms well) as well as the factoring in of new meds and the fasting for the blood work I had to go in for last week.


Vegetables at Breakfast? December 9, 2010

In last week’s post I told you about the ins and outs of my diet. Like a lot of you, when I first started the diet I thought that my instructions to eat a veggie at every meal including breakfast was a strange one.

A few days into my diet it dawned on me that people eat spinach and egg quiche for breakfast all the time.  That is when I decided to try adding spinach to my breakfast.

The result was a wonderful Spinach and Egg Muffin  that is tasty at home but is also easy to grab and go with.  This is how I make it:

Ingredients and Supplies:


~ Large Handful of Spinach

~  1 Egg

~1 English Muffin

~Cooking Spray ( I like to use Olive Oil Cooking Spray. Its a little healthier for you!)

~ Small amount of Margrine






Step One:

Spinach Cooking

Spray a very light coating of cooking spray in your pan and turn your burner on to medium- medium high heat.

Put in your spinach.

{Note: I know this looks like a lot of spinach for one person, but Spinach cooks down significantly!}


Step Two:

Spinach Cooking breakfast

When your spinach looks like this go ahead and put your English muffin in the toaster.


Step Three:

Spinach Cooking Breakfast

When the Spinach is done cooking shape it into a circle and form a small divot in the middle, as seen above.


Step 4:

Spinach Eggs Cooking Breakfast

Crack the egg right into the middle and sprinkle a tiny pinch of salt now.

{I like to use kosher salt. You can use less and get more flavor out of it!}

Let the egg cook for a few seconds.


Step 5:

Spinach eggs cooking breakfast

Use your spatula to gently break up the egg yolk.


Step 6:

Spinach eggs cooking Breakfast

Gently fold and flip the spinach and eggs. Taking care to Shape your patty as you go.


Step 7:

Spinach Eggs Cooking Breakfast

Make sure to mash down on the spinach and eggs as you are forming your patty. This ensures that all of the raw egg gets cooked.


Step 8:

Spinach eggs cooking Breakfast

Once the egg is cooked through remove pan from heat.


Step 9:

Spinach Eggs Cooking Breakfast

Pull your English muffin from the toaster and lightly butter it.

Slide your spinach and egg patty on to the muffin and fold back over.


Finished Product:

Cooking Breakfast diet wholesome


Enjoy! Just make sure that you get a fruit to go with that on the side!


Weekly Update: Getting ready for Christmas! December 3, 2010



I did pretty well this week.  Although I do have to admit, I was pretty darn bad about working out. I kept meaning to but time just keeps slipping away. I plan on getting one in tomorrow. No excuse on Saturday (yet). But I am pretty proud of myself. The stockings are hung and I have finally de-Scroogified my husband after all these years. And to think, all it took was finding his train from his youth and getting him to set it up around the tree.  It was a rare and special treat to see that boyhood wonder on his face.

So with one or two last gifts to get and wrap,  I am starting to get my living room back. The cleaning and organizing is almost done!  I think the husband and I are going to reserve this weekend for relaxing and us time.  We certainly need it. We have been running around too much, though I do smell a dreaded costco trip in tomorrow’s horizon. (Shudder the thought!)

So the results from this week? I have to say that my progress as of late has been slowing slightly, however I did reach another 5 pounds mark this week. And I am very close to another. As a matter of fact, I have another small victory that my treasured red Christmas top that I couldn’t wear last year is now officially ready to be worn to my many Christmas gatherings this year! So Yay for that! As for the fabulous job weight wise this week, I am pleased to announce the following results!

  • This Week: 5.1 pounds down!
  • Total weight loss: 28.3 pounds down!!!

I do have a slight bummer, there is a pair of jeans that I have been working to and now that they fit, I don’t like them anymore! They are too short. Boo!  Ah well, they won’t fit for long anyways. A bonus, I am apparently a large now. I had to return all of the extra larges I bought last week at the black Friday sales! I always like that! Now if I could just finish dropping down a size in my jeans. I am still at that annoying place where the sizes 16s fit but are getting really loose and are starting to look sloppy. I can’t even look at the 14s yet. Maybe in another week or two.

Oh, and my secret weapon for Thanksgiving Day? I wore my Spanks to dinner. Helps with the sliming and they don’t allow for extra expansion and over eating at the table! And I originally just put them on because my pants were fresh from the dryer.  Who knew that Spanks were so useful!


Its the Little things that get you! December 2, 2010




So I have been a busy beaver this morning updating my medical records in preparation for my doctor’s appointment next week. ( I am going in to my Gynecologist to get a second opinion on the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) In flipping through my records I found a chart with my Vitals history on it from last year.  I am proud to say that I am 15.4 pounds lighter then I was at Christmas last year!!!


I had a hunch that I might be getting there but it’s still nice to see the results in numbers like that!


I’ll be back tomorrow with the weekly update to go more in-depth with how my week has gone but I just had to share that small victory. Gotta celebrate the small things right?