The Graceful Skinny

A homeschool mom of one sharing my thoughts, curriculum reviews, organization techniques, and planning ideas with others in the homeschool community.

Weekly Update: Dancing through the Potholes on the Road of Life! February 25, 2011

Birthday cake the graceful skinny diet wieght loss medical issues asthma pcos hashimotos celebrations blog diet


Well dear readers my week has been quiet interesting and busy. Due to my birthday on Monday I spent the weekend celebrating with Friends, family and loved ones.  I refused to deprive myself and even caved and brought a few special treats to munch on throughout the week.  I set my expectations low for the scale and relaxed and enjoyed myself knowing that this is a rare occurrence.


My birthday was wonderful! It was filled with my wonderful friends and family and some great food. The best part of it all was the beautiful sewing machine that my husband gave me! I have been wanting to learn to sew for the longest time.  He conspired with my friends and family and I now have everything that I need to learn to sew. I am almost done with my first project!


But alas, it wouldn’t be my life without a few trips to different doctor’s offices and yet another referral. I had my physical on Tuesday. It was probably a mistake to go in for a physical the day after my birthday but I wasn’t thinking about that when I scheduled my appointment.  So yet again I had all the fun of fasting and giving up 4 vials of blood to the Vampires to test. I was subjected to an EKG and a Breath Test due to my asthma. The EKG was good. The breath test however, came back with results showing I have the lungs of an 84 year old. It is possible that the test was not accurate however I am being referred to a pulmonologist just to be sure.  Oh yeah we also get to tack on yet another medication to help with the asthma.


My blood work came back with a mixed bag of results. It would appear that my TSH levels (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) are perfect. Both my general practitioner (GP) and my gynecologist were happy with those numbers. However, apparently my cholesterol levels are still high.


My GP wants me to consider medication for it, but my gut tells me strongly not to.  This gut feeling was re enforced when I went to the drug store to pick it up and the pharmacist explained some very likely complications this cholesterol medication would cause with my treatment plan for the PCOS.  Needless to say I have declined the option for this medication.


It just goes to show you that when it comes to your medical issues, you can’t just sit back and assume everyone else knows what they are doing 100% of the time. You can’t relax. You have to stay on top of things. Sometimes that might mean you have to get annoying, others it might mean that you have to get stubborn. But always falls back on you to fix the issues of the day.


Needless to say, I have been busy this week. Which is frustrating, because it means I haven’t had nearly as much time with my new sewing (to me) machine as I would have liked.  And while I could have easily have let all this negative news get me down I choose not to. I am choosing to focus on the good side of things.  But enough with that. You probably are just sitting there anxious to see the damage all that celebrating did right? I know that I was when I stepped on the scale this morning. It took me a moment to actually peak at the screen and see my numbers for the week.


Imagine my absolute shock and surprise when I actually did take a look at the numbers!


The Results for the week are:


  • This week: 1.1 POUNDS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!



In all honesty, I think that is the best birthday present I could ever give myself! And it goes to show that you can indeed have your cake and lose weight to! I can’t describe how great it feels to finally break through the 30 pound wall. And in just 4-5 pounds more I will officially be out of the obese category! How great is that!


So dear readers now is the time I hear from you! How has your week gone?  Anything exciting going on with you?


A New Discovery for Those Days When You just really Want a Soda! February 17, 2011

Graceful Skinny "Mexican Coke" "High Frutose Corn Syurp" "Corn Sugar" "Cane Sugar" soda "weight loss" diet

One of the first things that I learned when I started on this weight loss journey was to be weary of anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup (a.k.a. Corn Sugar). There are more and more studies that are finding strong addictive tendencies in this evil substance.

Princeton did a study on the substance and the results that they came up with were enough to raise eye brows. You can find the article that talks about this study here:

It is definitely an article worth your read.

In the study, they found that the rats who were given High Fructose Corn Syrup laced water gained significantly more weight than the rats who were given table sugar.  Not only that but they also found that the rats who had the High Fructose Corn Syrup ended up not just gaining more weight than the table sugar group but that the animals in the High fructose corn Syrup group ended up gaining 48 percent more weight!

When I stumbled across this information I started to try to do my best to avoid it, only to come to the realization that it is found in almost everything we eat.

It’s not practical to think that you can avoid ever eating it again. And the saying is always true, Everything in Moderation.  The problem however, is getting that into moderate amounts of your diet.

So next time you decide to go pick up that soda can or candy bar think twice! Rid yourself of the constant craving for it and you will quickly find that things that are loaded with it are overly sweet.

After only a month I got to the point were most sodas and soft drinks are just revolting to me.  Just try to go a while without the processed foods and then taste them again. They just aren’t as tasty as we thought.

But there will be days when you will miss that soda. And for those days, my husband and I have found a great compromise.

This bottle of coke isn’t any normal coke, and you more than likely are not going to find it on your regular soda aisle.  No folks, this coke is Mexican coke! What makes it better than the normal stuff you ask? Let’s turn the bottle around and take a look.

"Mexican Coke" Coke Graceful Skinny "Weight Loss" diet Soda "Cane Sugar" "Corn Sugar"

The red box believe it or not is the ENTIRE ingredients list.  That’s right there are only 6 ingredients in this bottle.   And let me tell you, there is a huge difference in flavor alone to justify the extra cost.

All of that being said, you should be aware that there is a bit of the “Corn Sugar” that may find its way in here.  I went on to coke’s website and found a Ingredients Glossary. According to their website  Caramel Coloring is defined as:

Caramel Color

Caramel color is made by a process involving the heating of corn or cane sugar and other carbohydrates to achieve the desired color.

Because they don’t clarify if its indeed Corn Sugar or the better option Cane Sugar you should still take caution and limit the amount you drink it. But if you are just looking for a special treat every now and then, I would have to say that is a great way to go.

So as you go about your day, be weary and warned. Keep your eyes out and pay attention you might just be amazed at just how much of the High Fructose Corn Syrup is making its way into your diet.


Weekly Update: Where did my week go? February 5, 2011

First off I would like to apologize for being a day late for my weekly update. I had full intentions to get up yesterday and do my work out and weigh in and post my blog. Life however had other plans for me.  I ended up having to go back to the doctor’s office to redo some blood work because the lab that it gets sent to spilt my original vial. Once I got home my energy levels crashed and I completely forgot to write my blog post.

I still haven’t been all that active this week. That stomach bug from last week is still hanging around and making me feel off. It has been getting somewhat better though so here is hoping that I can at least stave it off long enough to do some major cleaning.  My husband and I have a goal to get at least the main rooms back into shape. Here is hoping that we can make that happen.

The results for the week:

  • This Week: 0.7 pounds down
  • Total: 28.7 pounds down!

The good news is even though this stomach bug has thrown off my healthy eating patterns I still have seemed to lose some weight this week.  So all in all I call this week a success! Not to shabby for a girl that can’t hold down all her meals.


Weekly Update: Kicking my own butt back into Gear! January 21, 2011

Weight loss blog Graceful SKinny diet health




I am not sure what has happened to me over the past two weeks but after checking on a few of my regular blogs it would appear that I am certainly not alone. I have been feeling sluggish and lazy. I have been slacking when it comes to weighing in and getting in my exercise.


However, thanks to you wonderful readers waiting for my weekly update I was able to put my foot down and kicked my butt back into gear!


Over all I would have to say that this week has been quiet the success.  I finally got to meet my new mentor on Tuesday morning.  God is so good. She is the best!


To my amazement, sitting down with my new mentor has not only helped me work out my life spiritually in finding ways to get in my quiet times every day, but I have noticed a dramatic increase in my ability to focus and get things done throughout my whole day when I do remember to spend even just a minute or two in the morning in quiet time.


So not only have I been getting myself more organized but when I stepped on the scale today I got a pleasant surprise in the form of not only a weight loss but a weight loss great enough that I lost all that I had gained last week and then some. I am so back on track.  Look out 14s I’m not giving up on you yet!


So what was my weight like this week?


  • This Week: 4.4 pounds DOWN!!!
  • Total Weight Loss: 28 pounds down!


That’s right folks! It’s not quite a complete recovery from chaos caused by the change up in meds and Christmas festivities, but I am within a pound of getting there.  My goal for the coming week is to actually get my but to work out for at least 30 minutes at least twice this week.


I set out this morning to work out for 30 minutes and ended up working out for almost an hour! If I could only do that more often, I would be great! But as for today, I will revel in my small victories and use this as the much needed boost to push forward and continue to get back on track with my weight loss.


As for those who are also struggling to kick themselves into gear, what are you waiting for? Get to it! You can do it! And you will feel a lot better once you kick your butt into actually doing it as well.


Have a happy weekend!


New Year- New You! January 6, 2011

New Year New You Snowman Weight loss diet blog

Congratulations, you have made it to the beginning of yet another year! And if you are like a large portion of the world’s population then you have probably made some sort of New Year’s Resolution about your weight.

I have a theory on why we as a population are always so focused on healthy eating and diets in the New Year.  From Halloween through the end of the year we become surrounded by all manners of unhealthiness. We even have let ourselves get programmed to believe that we must have certain foods for it to be a holiday season.

For about 6-8 weeks we find ourselves justifying all manners of naughtiness in the name of “The Holidays”.  We fill ourselves with crap and trick our minds into thinking that makes us happy and call it a good time.  By the time that New Years Day finally gets hear all of that junk has finally caught up to us and we have packed on more than a few pounds and we now feel like crap.

So why is it that I think there is a spike of interest in diets around this time of year? My personal opinion is that it is a lot of over compensation. However, this desire to lose weight is not necessarily a bad thing.  According to the CDC (source: a large portion of our population is overweight and obese. I think the problem lies with this idea that diets are something to go on.

The problem with that thinking is that if you spend so much time depriving yourself you can only go so long before you end up cheating or going off the diet all together.  It’s like putting a bandage on a cut that needs twenty stitches. Yes that bandage will help in the moment, but it isn’t enough to fix the whole issue.

The true meaning of the word diet has been lost on today’s society.  We all have a diet. Your diet is the food that goes into your mouth on a daily basis. The concept of making small changes that make a big difference has been lost on people.

The reason why people don’t stick to diet plans is because it is not realistic to think that anybody could stick to deprivation and extreme measures for long term. There is a rule, everything in moderation.

When starting any journey it’s always good to remember this: When at the top of a mountain there are only two ways down.  You can chose to turn and use the path that will take you slowly one step at a time, or you can jump off the edge and see how that works out for you. Both ways will get you to the bottom, but that doesn’t guaranty what shape you are going to be when you get there.

So if you really want to make this year a New Year and a new you, don’t go on a diet, CHANGE your diet.  Make small but important changes in your diet that will stick with you.  Make the decision to permanently alter your daily habits in a way that you can stick to. It’s the only way that will actually do you good in the long run.

So if you are one of the many trying to lose weight in this new year, go ahead and push forward with that resolution, just don’t let yourself get burned out in the process.


My Christmas Battle Plan! December 22, 2010

With the count downs nearing zero I know that I am not the only one with the challenges of weight loss on my mind. In the months since I have changed my diet I have learned that in situations like the holidays, the route to best success is to have a plan of action.  If you go in knowing what to expect then you are better likely to find success.

So what is my battle plan for Christmas?

I have come to terms with Reality and the Facts of Life

So in light of all of the events of Christmas colliding with my body’s adjustment period for the new meds I am setting my sites low. It is not realistic to expect me to show significant weight loss with these factors coming into play. I may gain this week. I can be okay with that.


I will NOT ignore my regular check ins

My ensuring that I still have to step on the scale and post up my results for the week no matter how I have done I am re-enforcing my need to stay on track. It may be Christmas, but that does not mean that I have to throw EVERYTHING out the window because of it.


I CAN make good choices and still indulge in the Christmas goodies

I feel I am saying this a lot lately, but it doesn’t change its truth. I have CHANGED my diet; I am not ON a diet.  That subtle difference is the key to everything. Going ON a diet is not a permanent, at some point I will go off. My change in diet is forever. It is not realistic to expect me to never indulge in the goodies of Christmas ever again. Instead I will make good choices where I can not worry about the times where I can’t.  It is all about portion control.


I will NOT skip meals

I am realizing more and more the dangerous effects of skipping meals. Not only does it make you feel crappy but extreme hunger makes your thought process foggy and increases the chances of a bad decision.


I WILL remember that Christmas is not about the food

While the food does make Christmas that much more special, the real reason Christmas is so great is because it means spending time with friends and loved ones. I don’t need to be eating to enjoy that.


And finally,


I WILL NOT let the stress of the season get to me

Letting myself get stressed will get me nowhere but sick. I will stay relaxed and enjoy myself without over taxing me or my husband.  I will remember that God is in control and take a deep breath and relax.

I am hoping that with these tactics in play that I will be successful at having the best possible holiday that I can.  Have you thought of what YOUR battle plan is going to be?


Weekly Update: Pretty good this week. December 17, 2010




Weight loss holidays





I wasn’t expecting much this week.  With Christmas coming and my body adjusting to the new meds along with the fact that I have had some pretty large weight drops recently I set my expectations low.  As long as I didn’t show too much of a gain I would not let myself get dejected.


My weight has been all over the place. Last week my doctors determined that I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  They have put me on a new medicine to combat it.  This new drug will help with my weight loss once I have fully adjusted to the meds and I am able to take the full daily dosage.  The initial side effects however are quiet brutal. If I hadn’t spent the last year already dealing a hiatal hernia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)  I very well might be put down for the count while my body adjusts.  As it is, the side effects (Stomach upsets and Evacuations) are just really annoying and inconvenient.  I am sure however that they are playing a part in messing with the scale. At least I know that the symptoms won’t last too long.


So on to the totals for the week:

  • 1.3 pounds down this week.
  • 0.2 pounds down from two weeks ago.
  • 6.4 pounds down from a month ago.
  • 28.5 pounds total weight loss!

So as you can see, I didn’t do too badly this week. Not only did I not gain but I was able to re-loose the weight I gained last week.  This just reaffirms that last week was just a speed bump. It wasn’t my first gain and I am sure it won’t be my last. However I did notice that my last gain was around the time that we upped my thyroid meds. So maybe it is just that my body has to adjust to the new meds.


As I go into the week before Christmas my goal is to keep as relaxed as possible and just enjoy the week. If I can do that then I am pretty sure that even if I show a small spike on the scale it won’t matter because this is a change in my diet. It is a lifestyle change and there are going to be times in the year where you might see a slight gain.  My stress levels have a direct correlation to my health right now and I refuse to let stress and illness rule my holiday! And if tomorrow my apartment is not as tip top shape as it normally is at my annual Christmas party I am not going to let it bother me. I will do what I can to get ready and when it is party time I will enjoy myself.  Because that is what all of this is about.


So folks! There it is. That’s been my week. Now, how about yours?





Its the Little things that get you! December 2, 2010




So I have been a busy beaver this morning updating my medical records in preparation for my doctor’s appointment next week. ( I am going in to my Gynecologist to get a second opinion on the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) In flipping through my records I found a chart with my Vitals history on it from last year.  I am proud to say that I am 15.4 pounds lighter then I was at Christmas last year!!!


I had a hunch that I might be getting there but it’s still nice to see the results in numbers like that!


I’ll be back tomorrow with the weekly update to go more in-depth with how my week has gone but I just had to share that small victory. Gotta celebrate the small things right?


The No Brainers, The Should have Known’s, & The Strange! November 29, 2010






The most common question I have gotten since starting my diet has been, “What is so different about your diet?” The quick answer is that it is less of a diet to lose weight and more of a complete and permanent dietary revamp to get me healthier and to cut down on the nausea and other health issues.

It is important to remember that while I have been seeing rather drastic results, I most certainly am not taking drastic measures to get there.  This is a slow and steady wins the race type of game. No two people will ever lose weight the same way, especially when you factor in medical issues. Issues like a hiatal hernia and Hashimotos thyroiditis bring their own brand of fun to the game and change EVERYTHING.  When you have hypothyroidism [this means your thyroid levels are lower than they should be, aka you under produce, and this is usually indicated by your TSH levels coming back high (generally 4 or greater from my experience)] your metabolism gets lowered and adding insult to injury it also can make you rather lethargic and bring on some serious food cravings.   A hiatal hernia is where part of your stomach is pushed up into your esophagus. This brings on issues with acid build up and nausea.

So what does my diet look like? Well, there is the obvious stuff you would expect any decent diet to have such as portion control and choosing the right foods.  There is the stuff that some may already know but still may surprise people, for instance, making sure to eat your bigger meals first and smaller meals at dinner. Then there is the downright strange and surprising like the instructions to avoid drinking any fluid (yes, this includes water) 30 minutes before through 30 minutes after you eat. {Apparently liquids interfere with the proper breakdown of the nutrients in our food. When we drink liquids with our meals the initial and crucial breakdown points get skipped and our bodies only absorb the fat.}

Here is the basic rundown of the details to my diet:

  • Portion Control! Like any good diet, I to need to make sure that when I eat I am getting proper portions of every meal.
  • No Water with meals
  • Eat organic as possible
  • Stay away from the artificial junk
  • Remember to eat 3 meals a day. (I am terribly bad about forgetting to eat!)
  • Make sure to eat well rounded meals. This means at every meal I must have:

o    *A Starch {*except at dinner.}

o    A Vegetable (Yes, even at breakfast!}

o    A Protein/Dairy

o    A Fat {that’s right folks! I have to make sure I get a healthy fat at every meal}


Now that I have given you the basics, what about the diet I was given is surprising to you? What part of this would be the most challenging to stick with? What do you think might work for you?